under construction

- i'm currently learning html, css, javascript and all the jazz, so don't mind the building site -

[blog posts, art work and my writing coming soon]

- current art -
pixel bot
cult of the lamb
paper ivysaur

- updates -
03/03/25 - made a guestbook and filled out my about page

02/03/25 - created some social media icons and site links on the about page;; i also think i have a comment system set up, hopefully?

01/03/25 - added a small gallery line on the homepage;;; also made a page button [in the about section]

28/02/25 - finally fixed tags after screaming into the void for hours... and i made this log too

27/02/25 - got the general building blocks done and made a favicon

25/02/25 - site has been created /confetti

Human-made Content